Breathe Out Your Fire in the Year of the Dragon!
Get angry and find happiness with The Pissed-Off Journal.
“Live a happier life.” A Top 10 New Year’s resolution…
On December 31st, it’s “eat, drink and be merry”.
On January 1st – awaking groggy from a holiday haze – one eye gingerly peeks in the mirror… Shock! Who is this person? Once and for all, you determine that something must be done about the tired hair, dull skin and shapeless figure.
On January 2nd, you hit the gym – hard. You’re eating three nourishing squares a day. You plan a sizzling make-over.
By January 23rd – Chinese New Year – or sooner – whose gym attendance is zilch? Junk foods crowd the cupboards. You throw in the towel. Disgusted, you resign to being an undisciplined “loser” for another year.
You’re not alone!
- Four of five people will break their resolutions;
- 90% of folks will have given up by March 1st;
- Nearly 40% attribute breaking their self-declared promises to having too much else on their plates;
- And 33% report they weren’t committed to their resolutions after all.
Many yearn for joy. It’s just that most people have no clue about how to rid themselves of what’s getting in their way.
That’s where The Pissed-Off Journal comes in!
Here’s the deal:
Have you ever observed that some self-help volumes are long on advice but short on action? They talk about what contributes to our greatness but spend little to no time on how to get there.
The Pissed-Off Journal is your missing link between those so-called “negative” feelings triggered when the c-r-a-p of daily life happens and your ability to re-orient toward the positive.
Yes! It’s perfectly natural to feel pissed off about annoying people and situations! The issue is not in having emotions, but having nowhere to release them.
I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of people telling me to “get over it”! If anything, the bigger the ‘stiff upper lip’, the greater is the risk for dangerous blow-ups.
Do you find it a relief to know you don’t need to force yourself into thinking positively when you’re really not?
I personally find it cool to have complete freedom to spew my upset – or even downright fury – over the negative “stuff” that comes at me every day!
Would you also be happy to know journaling can be easy?
It’s true. The Pissed-Off Journal is neither the leather-bound and serious version you got last year nor the pretty floral-jacketed volume filled with intimidating blank pages.
I’ve been keeping journals for decades and know the thought of writing doesn’t at first appeal to everyone. That’s why I created a quick method consisting of three easy steps – record, release, and re-focus – that takes just minutes a day.
Although my mission on Earth is to inspire people to live purposefully, I don’t mind confessing my own struggles with anger management are virtually life-long. I’ve searched far and wide to find a straightforward, productive method to discharge the “venom” so as to find my best self.
That’s why I wrote The Pissed-Off Journal. For you! Formed by my personal experiences, I know this practical work will make an impactful difference in your life.
Anyone between the ages of 2 and 113 open to learning more about themselves will benefit from regularly using The Pissed-Off Journal:
- Reduced “negativity” opens positive thoughts that lead to everything your heart desires.
- Letting go of low-vibration energy frees up space to receive good things waiting to come to you.
- Deepened awareness of what “triggers” you (and why) boosts insight into what’s right by you!
- Released emotional/mental blockages halt and/or prevent illnesses before they can manifest physically.
As we start to share with one another inside this Blog space, I look forward to receiving your pissed-off episodes so we can together learn to live our best lives. Bring it on!
To purchase your copy, Click Here for details.