It’s nothing short of incredible that MAY saw me celebrate 10 years of entrepreneurship. It truly feels like just yesterday that I stepped into the first day of “Freedom 45”.
I yet remember my final day (ever!) of corporate employment on April 30, 2003. It had been a long time coming… My job was killing me and my spirit virtually broken.
Many in similar shoes would believe (also known as convince themselves) they have no other option but to “suck it up” – a phrase I abhor. For, the “stiff upper lip” school of thought garners us only a few things. It reinforces drudgery, escalates stress and turns us into slavish victims of circumstance.
No thanks!
I continue to toast this significant accomplishment.
Because, it’s not like I had some padded bank account or established client roster to fall back upon. Are you kidding?
Like many used to the “magic” hole in the wall every two weeks (otherwise called an ATM), I had not been saving for decades. Opposite to all conventional advice (a truth of which I am very proud to this day) – and apart from a short period scaling back my compensation to free up time for my business while employed – I essentially departed my cubicle “cold turkey”.
Such a bold move is not for everyone, I’m aware. A lot of folks would describe me as downright foolhardy. So be it.
All I know is, I got the sequence right. Leap and THEN the net will appear. Not the other way around. The latter is a false belief system which guarantees people stay stuck in stale comfort zones and never take a risk.
Not for me!
In case anyone wonders if life has been all rosy since, forget it! Let me dispel that illusion right now.
Just because one follows a dream, doesn’t make the path clear sailing by definition.
As it turns out, the rest of 2003 into the spring of 2004 turned into one of my most transitional life phases ever. Many personal challenges at home and in my business characterized that period. It would have honestly been easy to rationalize throwing in the towel on more than one occasion. What was I thinking, the self-talk would go.
Yet, I stayed the course. Toughed it out through thick and thin.
Yes, there is a distinct part of my courageous temperament that cannot even entertain not being ultimately supported for pursuing my real purpose, which is to transform humanity one person at a time. It’s when human beings sell out on themselves that the Universe fails to reward.
What a sad fate that would be.
Instead, I keep on keeping on…
Given my intention to live until at least 112 (giving me 57 further years at the minimum to offer my meaningful contributions), I frankly see no other “choice”.
When an individual is privileged to know their reason-for-being, one owes it to all who surround to fulfill on that promise.
I therefore elect to focus upon the next thresholds that await. With great and powerful anticipation!
The past decade has seen me achieve what I personally consider my most meaningful accomplishments – books published, expanding conference speaking, myriad workshops delivered, Reiki mastership, a growing coaching practice and widening circles of exposure. Wonderful! I honour those served.
Still, it is my firm conviction that the best is to come! Bring it on!
There is so much awe and enchantment to experience in this vast world of ours.
As Tom Rath so aptly states in Strengthsfinder 2.o: “Far too many people spend a lifetime headed in the wrong direction. They go not only from the cradle to the cubicle, but then to the casket, without uncovering their greatest talents and potential.”
Please let us make a pact – here and now – that neither you nor I will be one of them.
Debs says
As one who has journeyed through this with you, it has been your unwavering belief in taking risks in ones life that has seen me remove myself from becoming a slavish victim of circumstance. For this I am eternally thankful.
May you go on to have 57 more passionate and soul inspiring years making a difference in the world…one human at a time!